

  1. rtbiz_activation_redirect

    Called when rtbiz is activated and redirect on this action.


  1. rtbiz_init

    rtbiz_init is very important hook plugin dependent on rtbiz are getting executed on rtbiz_init hook


     add_action('rtbiz_init', 'my_plugin');
     function myplugin(){
         $myplugin = new myplugin();
  2. rtbiz_before_template_part
     @param $template_name
     @param $template_path
     @param $located
     @param $args

    This action is called before including template for rtbiz plugin.

  3. rtbiz_after_template_part
     @param $template_name
     @param $template_path
     @param $located
     @param $args

    This action is called after including template for rtbiz plugin.


  1. rtbiz_welcome_panel_addon_link

    Action for other addons to add quick links for their plugins.

  2. rtbiz_dashboard_add_meta_boxes
     @param $screen_id

    This action is being used internally to specify which dashboard widget is to render next.

  3. rtbiz_welcome_panel

    This hook is used internally to display welcome widget of rtbiz.

  4. rtbiz_after_dashboard

    This action is called at the end of dashboard template.


  1. rtbiz_entity_hooks
     ``` php
     @param $entity // entity Object will be called with this action. Either contact or company
     Entity action will be called with entity object.
  2. rtbiz_entity_meta_boxes
    @param $post_type // post type of entity object ie. contact or company

    Will be called with meta boxes.

  3. rtbiz_before_render_meta_fields
    @param $meta_fields // additional meta fields to be renders

    Called before rendering additional metabox.

  4. rtbiz_after_render_meta_fields
    @param $post // Wp post for current object contact or company
    @param $post_type //post type of current object.
  5. rtbiz_print_metabox_js
    @param $post // Wp post for current object contact or company
    @param $post_type //post type of current object.

    To echo additional js if there any.

  6. rtbiz_save_entity_meta
    @param $post // Wp post for current object contact or company
    @param $post_type //post type of current object.
    @param $obj // object of entity class

    To save added additional metabox.

  7. rtbiz_entity_manage_columns
    @param $column // column
    @param $post_id // post id of contact or company
    @param $obj // object of entity class

    To mange custom column using wordpress hook 'manage_'.$post-type.'_posts_custom_column


  1. rtbiz_before_delete_contact_acl_remove
    @param $contactid Post id of contact cpt being delete.
    @param $userid User id mapped with post id on contact

    Before contact ACL remove

  2. rtbiz_after_delete_contact_acl_remove
    @param $contactid //Post id of contact cpt being delete.
    @param $userid User // id mapped with post id on contact

    After contact ACL remove

  3. after_delete_contact_acl_remove
    @param $contactid // Post id of contact cpt being delete.
    @param $userid User //  id mapped with post id on contact

    After ACL Permission is removed.

  4. before_delete_contact
    @param $contactid // Post id of contact cpt being delete.
    @param $userid User // id mapped with post id on contact

    Before contact deleted from wordpress database and after ACL is removed this action will be called.