rtBiz Dashboard

Class Rtbiz_Dashboard

This class provides a dedicated dashboard for rtBiz plugin. It includes of lots of customized dashboard widgets which gives user a top overview of rtBiz environment. It also includes a welcome widget with useful navigation links which gives a head-start to user about getting along with rtBiz.


static $page_slug

Dashboard page slug

var $screen_id;

WordPress Screen’s ID for dashboard admin page.

var $charts = array();

This array would hold the data for all the Google charts that will be displayed in the widgets. It will be passed on to Chart library.



Constructor method for the class. It initializes dashboard class & sets default values for required keys in database.

@uses add_action() - WordPress Core. Adds ajax callback action for welcome widget dismissal.
@uses Rtbiz_Dashboard::print_dashboard_js() - rtBiz Core. Setup default values for welcome widget dismissal key.

This method setup default values for welcome widget dismissal key in usermeta.

@uses metadata_exists() - WordPress core. Checks if usermeta key exists or not.
@uses get_current_user_id() - WordPress core. Gets current logged in user's ID.
@uses update_user_meta() - WordPress Core. updates usermeta value for dismissal key if it doesn't exists.

This method setup the dashboard to be rendered on the page.

@uses add_action() - WordPress core. Defines a few action methods for dashboard setup.
@uses Rtbiz_Dashboard::check_welcome_panel() - rtBiz Core. Check whether to display welcome widget or not.

AJAX action callback to update show/hide welcome widget action.

@uses check_ajax_referer() - WordPress core. Verify the correct action.
@uses rt_biz_get_access_role_cap() - rtBiz core. Get capability string to check for given role.
@uses current_user_can() - WordPress core. Checks for user's capability.
@uses update_user_meta() - WordPress core. Updates usermeta
@uses get_current_user_id() - WordPress core. Gets current logged in user's ID.

Adds required JS code into dashboard page. It also checks for Welcome Widget visibility.

@uses update_user_meta() - WordPress core. Updates usermeta
@uses get_user_meta() - WordPress core. Gets usermeta
@uses get_current_user_id() - WordPress core. Gets current logged in user's ID.
@uses wp_get_current_user() - Gets current WP User object.

This method checks for welcome widget query string and accordingly updates user meta.

@uses update_user_meta() - WordPress core. Updates usermeta
@uses get_current_user_id() - WordPress core. Gets current logged in user's ID.

This method renders UI for rtBiz Welcome Widget.

@uses rtbiz_get_access_role_cap() - rtBiz core. Get capability string to check for given role.
@uses rt_biz_get_redux_settings() - rtBiz core. Get redux settings for label.
@uses _e() - WordPress core. Internationalization method.
@uses current_user_can() - WordPress core. Checks for user's capability.
@uses do_action() - WordPress core. Defines new actin hook.
@uses admin_url() - WordPress Core. Gets admin url.
@uses __() - WordPress core. Internationalization method.
@uses rt_biz_get_contact_post_type() - rtBiz core. Gets rtBiz contact post type
@uses rt_biz_get_company_post_type() - rtBiz core. Gets rtBiz company post type

@defined rtbiz_welcome_panel_addon_link - New custom action hook defined for other plugins to add their quick links in rtBiz Welcome widget.


add_action( 'rtbiz_welcome_panel_addon_link', 'my_custom_plugin_quick_link' );

function my_custom_plugin_quick_link() { ?>
    <a id="rtbiz-customize-my-plugin" class="button button-primary button-hero" href="<?php echo admin_url( 'admin.php?page=rt-my-plugin-dashboard' ); ?>"><?php _e( 'My Plugin' ); ?></a>
<?php }
add_screen_id( $screen_id )

This methods set screen_id variable for the class.

@param $screen_id string - Screen ID for WordPress admin page.

This method adds widget JS from the WordPress core on the dashboard page.


Actions to be taken prior to page loading. This is after headers have been set.

Call on load-$hook

This calls the add_meta_boxes hooks, adds screen options and enqueues the postbox.js script.

@uses do_action() - WordPress core. calls add_meta_boxes hook.
@uses wp_enqueue_script() - WordPress core. enqueues the `postbox.js` script.

This method calls for chart library which would render all the charts in the widget.

@uses Rt_Reports::render_chart() - rtBiz core. Renders the chart on a page.

Add all the dashboard widget here as a metaboz on the dashboard page.

@uses Rtbiz_Dashboard_get_redux_settings() - rtBiz core. Get redux settings for label.
@uses add_meta_box() - WordPress core. Add metaboxes for dashboard widgets.
@uses rt_biz_get_contact_post_type() - rtBiz core. Gets rtBiz contact post type
@uses RT_Attributes_Model() - Attributes model class for DB operations.
@uses RT_Attributes_Relationship_Model() - Attributes Relationship model class for DB operations.
@uses RT_Attributes_Relationship_Model::get_relations_by_post_type() - Get relations based on post type.
@uses RT_Attributes_Model::get_attribute() - get attribute detaild for given attribute ID.
dashboard_recent_posts( $args, $post_type )

This method renders latest posts in the Recent Activity widget added based on the post type passed.

@param $args array - Array of arguments for WP_Query
@param $post_type string - Post type slug for which posts to be fetched.

@return bool - Returns true if posts found and rendered otherwise returns false.

@uses WP_Query() - WordPress Post Query
@uses WP_Query::have_posts() - Checks if post exists or not.
dashboard_recent_comments_row( &$comment, $show_date )

This method displays a single comment in a row within Recent Comments widget on rtbiz dashboard.


This is a combo widget displaying recent contacts, recent companies & recent comments.

get_post_count_excluding_tax( $taxonomy, $post_type )

This method gives post count of all the posts which does not have any terms linked from given taxonomy.

offering_wise_contacts( $obj, $args )

This method renders the widget UI where contacts are dispalyed in a chart categorized by offerings.

contact_type_wise_contacts( $obj, $args )

This method renders the widget UI where contacts are dispalyed in a chart categorized by contact type.

dashboard_widget_content( $obj, $args )

This method renders all the attributes widget that are defined from attributes library.



Action for other addons to add quick links for their plugins.

@param $screen_id

This action is being used internally to specify which dashboard widget is to render next.

@param $comment_type - This will be called if there is new comment type specified and it is not in swich.