
Basically rtBiz deals with two types on entities as of now.

  1. Contact
  2. Company

Each of the above entity is a Custom Post Type in WordPress.

We have build the base of this plugin such as this entities can be extended or even a new entity can be added later on if required.

We abstracted a parent class for all the entities in rtBiz family named Rtbiz_Entity. Other specific entities will inherit this class and automatically get all the common methods/attributes on its own.

So structure would go as follows:


Class Rtbiz_Entity


Common attributes that are defined in Rtbiz_Entity class:


An array of post types with which the entity is to be linked.


Slug of post type for the entity


An array of labels for entity post type


An array that holds all the custom meta fields that are required for entity


Prefix string for all the meta keys of entity.


A few common methods that are defined in Rtbiz_Entity class:


Constructor method for the class.

@uses Rtbiz_Entity::hooks()    - rtBiz Core. Initializes hooks for this class.

Initializes the post_type in WordPress.

@uses Rtbiz_Entity::register_post_type to register the post type.

Common hooks that are needed to be added for entity

@uses is_admin()                - WordPress Core. To check for admin section.
@uses add_action()              - WordPress Core.
@uses add_filter()              - WordPress Core.
@uses rt_biz_get_redux_settings()  - rtBiz Core. To check for products settings.
@uses do_action()               - WordPress Core. To introduce an action hook.

@defined Rtbiz_Entity    - Custom WP Action. This can be used to add extra hooks from other plugins/themes.


add_action( 'rt_biz_entity_hooks', 'my_entity_hook' );
function my_entity_hook( $entity_obj ) {
    if ( $entity_obj->post_type == 'rt_contact' ) {
        add_action( 'init', 'my_custom_init' );

function my_custom_init() {
    echo "Yo ! I got into init function.";
edit_product_columns( $product_columns )

This method adds additional column into the list table of Products Taxonomy. It adds those columns for CPT with which Products are linked.

@param $products_columns array      - An array of all the columns with their labels for Products Taxonomy List Table.
@return $products_columns array     - An updated array of columns.

@uses apply_filter()                - WordPress Core. To introduce a filter hook.

@defined rt_biz_products_columns   - Custom WP Filter. This can be used to add/remove additional column in Products List Table.


add_filter( 'rt_biz_products_columns', 'my_offerings_columns' );

function my_offerings_columns( $columns ) {
    $columns[ 'my-custom-column' ] = __( 'My Custom Column' );
    return $columns;
add_products_column_content( $content, $column_name, $term_id )

This method is used to put content for for each row for all the custom columns that we have added using the above method.

@param $content string                      - Content to be displayed in the row for column
@param $column_name string                  - Column Slug
@param $term_id int                         - Term ID of the Row

@return $content string                     - New/Updated content for the Term row.

@uses apply_filter()                        - WordPress Core. To add a filter hook.

@defined rt_biz_product_column_content     - Custom WP Filter. This is used to add custom content in Products table column.


add_filter( 'rt_biz_product_column_content', 'my_offering_column_content' );

function my_offering_column_content( $content, $column_name, $term_id ) {
    if ( $column_name == 'my-custom-column' ) {
        $content = 'Yo ! This is new content for new custom column!';
    return $content;
skip_feed_comments( $where )

This method filters out rtBot comments from the WordPress feeds.

@param $where string    - Default where clauses coming from WodPress Comments query.

@return @where string   - Updated where clauses
preprocess_comment_handler( $commentdata )

This method filters out rtBot comments from default comments query, Dashbord Widgets & comments list table.

@param $commentdata object      - Comment Object coming from WordPress Core

@return $commentdata object     - Updated comment object prepared for query.
save_old_data( $post_id )

This method gets called when a entity is saved from admin panel. It is used to store the text-diff between previous values and new values of post attributes & meta fields. It is useful for rtBot Comments.

@param $post_id int                         - Post ID of Entity

@uses get_post()                            - WordPress Core. To get the current post
@uses rt_biz_text_diff()                     - rtBiz Core. To generate the text-diff for two values
@uses rt_biz_get_contact_post_type()        - rtBiz Core. Fetches contact post type
@uses rt_biz_get_company_post_type()        - rtBiz Core. Fetches company post type
@uses rt_biz_is_primary_email_unique()         - rtBiz Core. Checks for duplicate email address
@uses rt_biz_is_primary_email_unique_company() - rtBiz Core. Checks for duplicate email address
@uses Rtbiz_Entity::get_meta()                 - rtBiz Core. fetches meta value for the given key.
@uses wp_get_current_user()                 - WordPress Core. Gets current logged in use.
@uses rt_biz_get_redux_settings()              - rtBiz Core. Fetches Biz settings to get the label.
@uses wp_insert_comment()                   - WordPress Core. Inserts rtBot comment.
change_publish_button( $translation, $text )

Publish button label for entity changed to “Add”, since this will not be typical WordPress post that we want to publish

@param $translation string  - Translated String
@param $text string         - Actual String

@return $translation string - Translated String.

@uses get_post_type()       - WordPress Core. To fetch the current post type

Loads all the required Scripts/Styles. Though this will be used very less, since the aim will be to use WordPress Native elements at most.

@uses wp_script_is()        - WordPress Core. To check if script is already enqueued or not.
@uses wp_enqueue_script()   - WordPress Core. To enqueue script.
@uses wp_enqueue_style()    - WordPress Core. To enqueue style.

Adds any metaboxes on Edit Post page for entity.

@uses add_meta_box()    - WordPress Core. To add custom metabox for CPT of entity.
@uses do_action()       - WordPress Core. To define custom WP action.

@defined rt_biz_entity_meta_boxes   - Custom WP Action. This action can be used to extra metaboxes from other plugins/themes.


add_action( 'rt_biz_entity_meta_boxes', 'my_custom_metabox' );

function my_custom_metabox( $entity_post_type ) {
    if ( $entity_post_type == 'rt_contact' ) {
        add_meta_box( 'rt-biz-custom-metaboz', __( 'Custom Metabox' ), 'render_custom_metabox', $entity_post_type, 'side', 'default' );

function render_custom_metabox( $post ) {
    echo "Yo! Custom Metabox Got Renedered !";
render_assign_to_meta_box( $post )

This method renders metabox of Entity’s Assignee.

@param $post object     - WP Post object

@uses rt_biz_get_entity_meta()      - rtBiz Core. Fetches entity meta for given key.
@uses get_user_by()                 - WordPress Core. Get user by given search key.
@uses get_avatar()                  - WordPress Core. Gets user gravatar.
@uses get_edit_user_link()          - WordPress Core. Gets edit link of user profile page.
@uses rt_biz_get_module_employee()  - rtBiz Core. Fetches Employees from Contacts pool.
@uses do_action()                   - WordPress Core. To define new WP Action.

@defined rt_biz_assign_to_metabox_after - Custom WP Action. This action can be used to add custom mark up in assignee metabox for entity.


add_action( 'rt_biz_assign_to_metabox_after', 'my_custom_assign_to_metabox_after' );

function my_custom_assign_to_metabox_after( $post, $entity_post_type ) {
    if ( $entity_post_type == 'rt_contact' ) {
        echo "Yo ! Assignee Metabox Additional markup is added here !";
save_meta_assign_to( $post )

This method saves assignee value for Entity.

@param $post object     - WP Post Object

$uses rt_biz_update_entity_meta()   - rtBiz Core. Updates meta value of an entity for given key.
render_additional_details_meta_box( $post )

Common metabox that will be rendered for Entity. This will give you additional general information about the entity.

@param $post object     - WP Post Object

@uses do_action()                   - WordPress Core. To define new actions.
@uses wp_get_post_terms()           - WordPress Core. Gets post terms for the given post id & category.
@uses apply_filters()               - WordPress Core. To define new filters.
@uses Rtbiz_Entity::get_meta()         - rtBiz Core. Gets meta value of entity for given key.
@uses wp_nonce_field()              - WordPress Core. Generates a nonce value for the form.
@uses Rtbiz_Entity::print_metabox_js() - rtBiz Core. Prints JS code in script tag if added.

@defined rt_biz_before_render_meta_fields   - This action is used when additional markup needs to be added before meta fields.
@defined Rtbiz_Entity_fields_loop_single_field - This filter is used when any field attributes needs to be changed/filtered.
@defined rt_biz_after_render_meta_fields    - This action is useful when extra markup is required to add after meta fields.
@defined rt_biz_print_metabox_js            - This action lets you add any additional JS script in the markup.


add_action( 'rt_biz_before_render_meta_fields', 'my_custom_before_meta_fields' );
add_action( 'rt_biz_after_render_meta_fields', 'my_custom_after_meta_fields' );
add_action( 'rt_biz_print_metabox_js', 'my_custom_metabox_js' );
add_filter( 'rtbiz_entity_fields_loop_single_field', 'my_custom_loop_sigle_field' )

function my_custom_before_meta_fields( $post, $entity_object ) {
    echo "Yo! This gets added at the start of meta field markup !";

function my_custom_after_meta_fields( $post, $entity_object ) {
    echo "Yo! This gets added at the end of meta field markup !";

function my_custom_metabox_js( $post, $entity_object ) {
    echo "<script>console.log("Yo ! This is the right place to add custom JS !");</script>";

function my_custom_loop_sigle_field( $field ) {
    // Remove contact fax field
    if ( $field['key'] == 'contact_fax' ) {
        return array();
    return $field;

Prints JS related to Metabox, if at all required. This method can be overridden in child classes.

save_entity_details( $post_id )

Saves any additional details from the metabox, if they are used.

@param $post_id int - WordPress Post ID

@uses wp_verify_nonce()                 - WordPress Core. This verifies the valid nonce.
@uses Rtbiz_Entity::save_meta_assign_to()  - rtBiz Core. Save assignee of entity.
@uses Rtbiz_Entity::save_meta_values()     - rtBiz Core. Save other meta values of entity.
save_meta_values( $post_id )

Saves any meta values, if they are used.

@param $post_id int     - WordPress Post ID

@uses do_action()   - WordPress Core. To define new action.

@defined rt_biz_save_entity_meta    - This action is used to save any extra meta values for entity.
post_table_columns( $columns )

This defines any custom columns for WordPress List View page of Entity

@param $columns array       - Columns array for Entity List Table.

@uses apply_filters()       - To add new WP filter hook.

@defined rt_entity_columns  - This filter is used to add/update custom columns for Entity List Table.
manage_post_table_columns( $column, $post_id )

This method lets you add custom data for the custom column that you defined in above method.

@param $column string   - Column Slug
@param $post_id int     - WordPress Post ID

@uses do_action()       - WordPress Core. To add new action hook.

@defined rt_entity_manage_columns   - This is used to manage column value for Entity List Table.
init_connection( $post_type, $label )

rtBiz gives you power to connect this entities with any other post type of your choice. This methods initializes this connection.

@param $post_type string    - WordPress Post Type to connect with entity.
@param $label string        - Label to define for P2P connection

@uses add_action()  - WordPress Core. Initialize P2P Connection.

This method creates the relation between two posts types mentioned in above method.

@uses p2p_register_connection_type()    - P2P Plugin. Registers new connection between two entities.

Wipe out any existing connections between two post objects of posts types that are explained above.

@param $post_type string    - WordPress Post Type
@param $from mixed          - Either Post Object or Post ID to clear the P2P connection

@uses p2p_delete_connections()  - P2P Plugin. deletes existing connection for given post type and post.
connect_post_to_entity( $post_type, $from = '', $to = '' )

Links two post object of given post types.

@param $post_type string    - WordPress Post Type
@param $from mixed          - WordPress Post ID or Post Object
@param $to mixed            - WordPress Post ID or Post Object

@uses p2p_connection_exists()   - P2P Plugin. Check if connection exists or not.
@uses p2p_create_connection()   - P2P Plugin. creates new connection between two entities.
connection_to_string( $post_id, $connection, $term_seperator = ' , ' )

Converts a connection object into a string. Used for getting a difference between two relations.

@param $post_id int             - WordPress Post ID
@param $connection string       - Connection Type
@param $term_seperator string   - separator character. Default: ' , '

@uses get_post()    - WordPress Core.
@uses get_posts()   - WordPress Core.
register_post_type( $name, $labels )

Register a WordPress post type for entity.

@param $name string     - Post type slug
@param $labels array    - Array of Label Strings for Post Type

@uses register_post_type()  - WordPress Core.
get_posts_for_entity( $post_id, $post_type, $fetch_entity )

This fetches list of posts connected with a single post object.

@param $post_id int         - WordPress Post ID
@param $post_type string    - Post Type to check with
@param $fetch_entity bool   - entity flag. Default: false. If true is passed then this function will return list of entities. Otherwise list of connected posts.

@uses get_posts()   - WordPress Core.

Gives you an array of required capabilities for a entity. Used in rtBiz ACL.

@return array - Array of available capabilities for Entity.
add_meta( $id, $key, $value, $unique )

Adds a meta value.

@param $id int          - WordPress Post ID
@param $key string      - Meta Key
@param $value string    - Meta value
@param $unique bool     - Whether the same key should not be added. Default false.

@uses add_post_meta()   - WordPress Core.
get_meta( $id, $key, $single )

Gets a meta value.

@param $id int      - WordPress Post ID
@param $key string  - Meta Key
@param $single bool - Whether to return a single value. Default false.

@uses get_post_meta()   - WordPress Core.

@return mixed - Meta value of entity for the given meta key.
update_meta( $id, $key, $value, $prev_value )

Updates a meta value.

@param $id int              - WordPress Post Id
@param $key string          - Meta Key
@param $value mixed         - New Meta Value
@param $prev_value mixed    - Old Meta value

@uses update_post_meta()    - WordPress Core.
delete_meta( $id, $key, $value )

Deletes a meta value.

@param $id int      - WordPress Post ID
@param $key string  - Meta Key
@param $value mixed - Meta value

@uses delete_post_meta()    - WordPress Core.
search( $query, $args )

Search for entity for given term

@param $query string    - Keyword to search
@param $args array      - WordPress WP_Query arguments.

@uses WP_Query  - WordPress Core.


Hooks available for this class:

@param $entity // entity Object will be called with this action. Either contact or company

Entity action will be called with entity object.

@param $post_type // post type of entity object ie. contact or company

Will be called with meta boxes.

@param $meta_fields // additional meta fields to be renders

Called before rendering additional metabox.

@param $post // Wp post for current object contact or company
@param $post_type //post type of current object.
@param $post // Wp post for current object contact or company
@param $post_type //post type of current object.

To echo additional js if there any.

@param $post // Wp post for current object contact or company
@param $post_type //post type of current object.
@param $obj // object of entity class

To save added additional metabox.

@param $column // column
@param $post_id // post id of contact or company
@param $obj // object of entity class

To mange custom column using wordpress hook 'manage_'.$post-type.'_posts_custom_column

@param $field

Can be used when user want to change perticular field from additional meta.

@param $columns
@param $obj

It uses wordpress manage_' . $post_type . '_posts_columns filter can be used to manage columns.

NOTE: You can check the methods documentation above on how to make use of these hooks ( actions and filters ).