1. Auto Assign Tickets
a. When first followup is added to a ticket by any staff member
If this option is selected then the ticket will be assigned to the staff member who adds the first followup to the customer’s ticket
b. When any followup is added to a ticket by any staff member
If this option is selected then the ticket will automatically be assigned to any staff member who answers the ticket.
2. Auto response
Auto Response feature is used to send predefined response messages automatically to anyone who sends mail to a particular mailbox or creates a ticket by filling the support form.
Auto response message is useful to instantly notify the customers who create a ticket during Off hours.
a. Select working shift.
i. Dayshift
Select weekdays and hours of operation for the dayshift. When customers create tickets in times other than those saved in this setting, they will receive the auto response message (Check
ii. Day-Night Shift
Select the weekdays and hours of operation for the nightshift from here. When customers create tickets in times other than those saved in this setting, they will receive the auto response message.
c. Auto respond on weekends only
Auto replies will only be sent on weekends.
d. Auto response message
You can set the auto response message as shown in the screenshot below
3. Adult Content Filter
i. Enable from Advanced Settings :
Admins can set up adult content filtering by clicking Enable and saving the settings.
ii. Customers check Adult Content while filling Support Form
Customer can mark a ticket to be adult or not by checking Adult Content checkbox in the support form. By default the checkbox is unchecked.
iii. Don’t show Adult Content
Adult ticket will be displayed to only those staff members who have adult content allowed in their profile.
A Helpdesk admin or editor can mark Don’t show Adult content as true for the staff members who don’t want to view tickets with adult content as shown in the screenshot below
iv. Staff mark the ticket as adult
Staff can mark a ticket as a ticket with adult content by editing the ticket and checking the Adult Content checkbox at Ticket Information section.